Thursday, 15 August 2013

15th August

A fairly uneventful fortnight from the boating point of view.  Roger and Benny remained with the boat on guard duty, while Jean swanned off to France for a hectic but fun-filled week with the grandchildren.
Fun at the beach
Guillaume, Alex, David and Jean

 It was really lovely to see the little cousins playing together, and watch Louis, the youngest at 18 months, watching and learning all sorts of mischief for the future ...

Meanwhile, Roger attended to various jobs around the boat, including making a metal cover for the pigeon box [for the uninitiated, this is a sort of skylight set in the roof]
Pigeon box
  It's positioned directly over our bed, above Jean's pillow, so she is particularly keen that it should be watertight!
Proof the seats didn't stay pink!

On Mon 12th August we bade farewell to Tamworth and moved on south-east to moor at Atherstone, so we are within hailing distance of home for a while, although we will bypass Leamington next week as we head towards Braunston, Northampton, and eventually the Fens.
Joseph and Samuel

Yesterday, 14th Aug, we met up with more grandchildren [Joseph and Samuel] for a swim, followed by a boat trip of a different kind - a pedalo on the River Leam!

We'd love to see friends as we pass nearby, so do get in touch if you're around

1 comment:

  1. Such a funny week, have you recovered? Splendid tractor seats and the tiller bar is looking very posh.
    Dave totally stole that bucket that Louis is playing with in the photo...well I say stole, I mean engulfed. x
