Another long gap - result of poor signal, and being away. We spent a couple of days earlier in the month visiting Stoke Bruerne, to look at the excellent canal museum,
Stoke Bruerne |
and then returned to Gayton Junction, where we enjoyed seeing Denise and Rick (but forgot to take a picture!) We also had a VIP overnight guest, namely Sam, aged 4 years, doing his first solo sleepover without big brother Joseph, who was away at a Beavers camp.
Sam with his suitcase full of toys |
The middle part of the month was taken up by a trip to France to visit Alex, Guillaume and Louis in Vannes -
Alex and Louis |
Guillaume's foolproof barbecue-lighting technique
this involved two different types of boating for us, on the car ferry, and also an outing on A&G's boat, to picnic on an island in the Golfe de Morbihan.
Roger surrounded by more water than normal |
On our return we headed immediately to Leeds to celebrate Robert's 30th birthday, and to see David, Lizzie and James.
Birthday boy Rob with Mum |
Now we're back on Vincent Joseph, and - WOO-HOO - we're on the River Nene! The 17 locks down into Northampton centre were peacefully rural, and we left the canal system with some trepidation to emerge on to the river, which thankfully is flowing very gently at this point. We plan to spend a couple of weeks cruising to Peterborough and possibly beyond - more updates as and when signal allows.
Amazing. I can't believe Rob is 30 - he was never supposed to grow up. (at least in my idea of the world). And how brave to be on an actual river! You just pop around the place as if distance was no object - I continue to be very impressed.